Crossroads Men's Group
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Crossroads looks different!

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Should we keep the 'new look' or go back to the old one?

Crossroads looks different! Vote_lcap33%Crossroads looks different! Vote_rcap 33% 
[ 1 ]
Crossroads looks different! Vote_lcap67%Crossroads looks different! Vote_rcap 67% 
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Crossroads looks different! Vote_lcap0%Crossroads looks different! Vote_rcap 0% 
[ 0 ]
Total Votes : 3
Poll closed

Crossroads looks different! Empty Crossroads looks different!

Post by Bennenn Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:57 pm

Hi guys,

I logged on tonight and I noticed that our site had gone spacko. Instead of being black and green etc, it had gone green and white and you couldnt read every second post as the background AND text was all white.

I logged into the admin panel and have given the site a new skin theme, and I will check back in a few days to see if the old one has been fixed - unless of course you prefer this one?

You can vote above on if you think we should get the old one back (when it starts working) or if we should keep the new one.

Number of posts : 61
Age : 42
Location : Northam, WA
Registration date : 2008-04-09

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