Crossroads Men's Group
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Mighty Men’s Conference 2009

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Mighty Men’s Conference 2009 Empty Mighty Men’s Conference 2009

Post by Bennenn Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:37 pm

Just in case you haven't heard about this, Angus Buchan (author of 'Faith Like Potatoes' and an awesome man of God) is coming to WA next year for a mens conference. It costs next to nothing and should be a hugely inspiring event if you're interested in going.

Planning for the 2009 Mighty Men’s Conference (MMC) is in full swing.

Angus will be returning to Advent Park , Kalumunda, Perth from February 27th to 1st of March 09 for the MMC-AUS 09. He is looking forward to the ministry we will have together and thoroughly enjoyed his visit with us earlier this year at MMC-WA, 2008.

MMC-AUS 09 is the only speaking engagement Angus has planned for Australia in the near future. If you would like to hear him, please join us in Perth .

Part of the MMC philosophy is “to gather together in a simple environment for fellowship and spiritual encouragement”. The venue and setting are as important as the sessions, so please consider camping over with a group of friends. If you have a high school aged son, please bring him along.

Registration Costs
Early bird (19th December)
- Day visitor - catered $100
- Camper - catered $105
Regular (Post 20th December)
- Day visitor - catered $120
- Camper - catered $125
Please take advantage of the early bird pricing.

Facility is available for those able to sponsor others to attend. Alternatively, if finance is an issue for you, please contact your regional representative or our office. We do not want finance to hinder your attendance.

Our all-new website has now gone live. Registration, resources and information relevant to Angus’ ministry and the MMC-Australia 09 event will be updated as it becomes available.

Please prayer for Angus leading up to MMC-AUS 09. We believe God will change the lives of all men who attend.

Here are a few things you can do to prepare:
1. Identify and pray for a friend to bring along
2. Watch “Faith Like Potatoes” DVD (available from Koorong) with your friend
3. Consider sponsoring them to come to the Mighty Men's Conference Australia '09
4. Invite them to attend the weekend

I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

In His Service

Craig Lydon
For the MMC-AUS 09 Committee

For Further Details:
p: 04 3300 5022
04 3303 5022
08 9343 6316
f: 08 9343 6263

The MMC conference is organised by evangelical churches across WA

Number of posts : 61
Age : 42
Location : Northam, WA
Registration date : 2008-04-09

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